In this post I will be outlining the 30 Best Foods to Lose Belly Fats.

1. Water

Water is the most important components of all organic lives. In fact, it is so important that 70% of the human body is made up of it.

Water functions as a natural cleanser. Drinking huge quantities of water daily, helps in flushing foods out of the colon, improving its overall health.

In due time, the person, drinking lots of water loses weight rapidly, regardless of whether they are engaging in physical activities.

2. White meat

White meat generally refers flesh from fish or poultry and is less fat or myoglobin, unlike red meat which is higher in certain vitamins and have a higher protein count.

Eating white meat regularly helps in bulding muscle tissues, which sole energy source is burning fats.

As such, it is encouraged that those trying to lose belly fats, should eat more of foods containing white meat.

3. Red meat

Red meat as the name implies has a reddish appearance. It can be derived from mammal beasts like cattle, camels, rabbits, sheep.

It is higher and richer in many vitamins, and is considered suitable for younger people, since the higher nutrient count is compatible to their body daily requirements.

Like all good things in life, too much of red meat is considered unsafe, since it is thought to raise the body’s amount of cholesterol.

4. Beans

Beans is a versatile and stable type of protein that comes in various forms:

  1. Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
  2. Lentils
  3. Peas.
  4. Kidney Beans.
  5. Black Beans.
  6. Soybeans.
  7. Pinto Beans.
  8. Navy Beans.

All these forms of beans contain lots of proteins, and is a healthy meat alternative to vegans and vegetarians.

Like all forms of proteins, beans contains substances that enables the body to manufacture new cells, to repair old and worn out cells.

Also, it helps in lowering the body’s cholesterol levels.

5. Pepper

Peppers contain capsaicin which increases metabolism in humans, and can cause burning of fats, in the body. Although care has to be taken to limit the amount of pepper ingested, as to much, can cause irritation of bowels.

Regardless, peppers are a good choice to burn and reduce belly fats in humans.

6. Ginger

Ginger is a roots plant common around the world. The root of the plant can be blended and the concoction ingested to burn of belly fats, due to its high antioxidant properties.

Ginger as a whole with its many antioxidant properties, a good food to consume regularly, to burn and reduce belly fats.

7. Garlic

Another popular superfood. Garlic has been known around the world for ages for its pros to humans, animals and other organisms alike.

Legends have been reported that vampires and witches hated garlic (although this is up for debate), and other myths and legends, have been reported.

Regardless, with modern medical facilities and equipments, garlic has been discovered to have antioxidant, antiinflamatory, and antibiotics properties.

As such, incorporating garlic into your daily diet routine, shouldn’t even be debated. In fact, the Asians, who consume more garlic, than any race, are known to be less obese that other races.

Therefore, you should strive to incorporate this food, into your daily diet.

8. Onions

A distant relative of the garlic, onions are similar to garlic in shape and appearance, although their effects is not as potent.

Onions are used globally to add flavor to foods, and dishes. Known to make people cry, they are also sweethearts in that, they can aid in burning off stubborn belly fats.

9. Cabbage

Cabbages are very popular, globally, and are mostly used in salad, and consumed raw.

Also, they are filled with vitamins, minerals and fibers, which aid in digestion, which increases and improves metabolism.

Furthermore, to maximize the fats burning effects of cabbages, it is advised to consume it raw, without salad dressings or sweeteners, although ingesting it like this, can be very unpleasant.

10. Lettuce

Like its cousin, the cabbage, lettuce are softer versions of their vegetable kinsmen. Also, like the cabbage, they contain high levels of fibres, vitamins and minerals.

Consuming lettuces in its raw organic state is the best way to draw out, its belly fats burning properties.

11. Cauliflower

The cauliflower is the prove that an artist created the universe. A beautiful vegetable, its beauty does not transcribe to its taste. As many people dread and hate consuming cauliflower.

That said, it holds many antioxidant properties, and is one of the best foods that will help you in achieving a flatter stomach, with six pack abs.

12. Asparagus

Asparagus is a plant classified as a grass, whose young shoots are used as vegetables. The plant can be shredded or cooked and consumed.

The whole spear of the asparagus can be eaten, excluding the woody stem, at the bottom. Asparagus is rich in fibers, vitamin A, and folate.

13. Lentils

Lentils, is a legume consumed around the world.

It was included in this list, because it is loaded with adequate amount of proteins, which is essential in building muscles, which in turn burn excess body fats.

Also, in countries where meat is a luxury, due to poverty, lentils a cheaper alternative is used, and manages to provide the necessary protein requirements of the body.

Although sometimes, it is supplemented with eggs.

14. Soybeans

Soybeans, like the common bean, is a plant found in the legume family. Used to produce miso, soy sauce, and soy milk, this legume is loaded with essential proteins, which your body needs.

Fun Fact: Steroids are produced from soybeans.

15. Olive oil

If a human must consume any oil, then it should be olive oil.

Olive oil, is an oil extracted from the ripe fruits from an olive tree. Known as the king of oils, it contains saturated fats, unsaturated fats, omega 3 and omega 6, in adequate and healthy amounts.

16. Tea Plant

Tea plant (Camellia sinensis), is an evergreen shrub used to produce tea bags. Also, some of the benefits of the tea plant is weight loss, anti-inflammatory properties, cancer mitigation amongst others.

Furthermore, since the tea plant causes weight loss, automatically, it can cause weight loss in humans.

17. Wormwood

Similar to the tea plant, wormwood leaves can also be brewed and ingested to cause weight loss of the body.

18. Curry

Curry is a combination of spices like tumeric, coriander, ginger, etc. Also, instead of going through each of the spices that made up the curry individually, I decided to go for the finished product, commonly known as curry.

Since the curry is a combination of many plants, its belly fats weigh loss property, is an aggregate of all the spices. Also, curry spice can be prepared into a very tasty stew, which can be used to garnish rich, or even eaten with bread.

In conclusion, this clean eating, promotes weight loss.

19. Honey

Honey is a timeless commodity, and perhaps the only known substance that doesn’t spoil, even when left for ages.

Produced by honey bees, the benefits are immense, from skin improvement, to reduction of cholesterol, etc. But one slightly ignored benefit of honey, is in the aspect of weight loss.

Honey can be used to reduce fat deposits, around the stomach region.

20. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the tree bark of  tree species from the genus Cinnamomum.

As stated by Healthline, cinnamon has many benefits including reducing inflammation of the heart, and been an antioxidant. Also, the spice causes weight loss in some people.

In conclusion, incorporating the cinnamon spice into your daily diet, is definitely, going to aid in reducing the fat deposits, around your stomach.

21. Mint

Sometimes referred to as Mentha, the mint herb, is a perennial herb know all over the world. Also, the mint taste is a unique and distinct taste, mostly the cool aftertaste. Also, the benefits of the mint herb are immense; anti-inflammatory, balancing the digestive system, and of course aiding in weight loss.

22. Thyme

Thyme is a popular culinary spice, gotten from the aromatic perennial evergreen herbs in the mint family Lamiaceae.

Some of the benefits of time is aiding in losing belly fats.

23. Papaya

Pawpaw or carica papaya, is a sweet yellow fruit with over 22 different species. Like all fruits it is filled with vitamin c, and main minerals.

Also, its filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances, that help to prevent aging in people that regularly consume it.

24. Coffee

Coffee is known and consumed globally. Mostly known for its distinctive flavor, and caffeine, a stimulant, which prevents drowsiness, it has many other benefits, like promoting mental focus.

Also, coffee improves combustion in the body, and helps regulates insulin in the body.

Celebrities like Dixie D’ Amelio, drink coffee regularly, to stay alert, and in shape. Because coffee can boost metabolism.

25. Jasmine

Jasmine is a shrub and flower, that can help people lose weight, particularly the weight around their bellies. The flower of the shrub can be brewed into a tea, than has beneficial health effects.

26. Oregano

Oregano is a herb related to the mint plant, with so many benefits. Also, the plant has been used for many years, as a food flavoring, or the oil extracted and used.

Furthermore, it is one of the most powerful natural occurring antioxidant available to man, and is also a natural antibiotic.

Nevertheless, it can also inhibit the development and spread of fungi, particularly yeast infections.

27. Ginseng

This timeless plant is priced by the Chinese, and is believed to prolong the lives of those who drink the tea regularly. Nevertheless, ginseng is costly. This is because the plant is a slow growing root, and can take years to reach maturity.

As such, since the demand is high, yet supply low, the plant has managed to keep a high price for years.

28. Plantain

Plantains (cooking bananas), are particular types of bananas whose fruits needs to be cooked or roasted to become more palatable.

Mostly found in Africa, and native americas, the plant is a stable in their local cuisine, and is used extensively, as a source of energy.

The peels can be boiled and the water drunk, to promote weight loss, which in turn leads to reduction of belly fat.

29. Guava Leaves

Guava leaves, can be brewed into a tea, and drunk daily, to promote weight loss. It is anti-inflammatory, and is a very potent antioxidant.

Also, it is loaded with many vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin c.

30. Citrus Leaves

Another leaf that can be brewed into weight loss teas, are citrus leaves. That is, the leaves from orange, lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerine, pomelos, etc.

Like the fruits, the leaves of citrus trees, are loaded with vitamin c, and antioxidants, which aid in weight loss.

31. Cashew leaves

Cashew leaf is sometimes slept on, but it produces a good tea brew, that promotes weight loss.

32. Bitter Leaf

Therefore, these are the 30 Best Foods to Lose belly fats:

  1. Water
  2. White meat
  3. Red meat
  4. Beans
  5. Pepper
  6. Ginger
  7. Garlic
  8. Onions
  9. Cabbage
  10. Lettuce
  11. Cauliflower
  12. Asparagus
  13. Lentils
  14. Soybeans
  15. Olive oil
  16. Tea plant
  17. Wormwood
  18. Curry
  19. Honey
  20. Cinnamon
  21. Mint
  22. Thyme
  23. Papaya
  24. Coffee
  25. Jasmine
  26. Oregano
  27. Ginseng
  28. Plantain
  29. Guava leaves
  30. Citrus leaves
  31. Cashew leaves
  32. Bitter leaf